Well... here I am at 3 a.m. a few days before I leave for London, trying to hammer out a few worthy talking points about my life and my expectations of my upcoming study abroad experience. I have never blogged before so I will try my best during this post and the inevitable posts to come over the next four months to entertain you and keep you informed about this experience of a lifetime.
First of all, I am extremely grateful for this opportunity that has been given to me to travel abroad with my other GLS classmates. I was fortunate enough to have had some travel experience in the past, you know enough to be bitten by the travel bug. With that being said, I am obviously looking forward to traveling to as many countries as I possibly can fit into a few short months with all my friends in this wonderful program.
Enough of that, here is a little something about myself. My name is Benjamin Craig Davis and I am a sophomore business student majoring in accounting. Accounting is a stepping stone for my aspirations of becoming a corporate lawyer in the future. I will be interning at Citi Financial during the latter part of our stay in London and this too will hopefully further my opportunities in the law field.
I am entering this trip with an open mind and no expectations, good or bad. Oh wait! There is one exception. I am looking forward and expecting the weather in London to be much nicer than the miserably cold weather in the states the past few days. Regardless of the horrible rainy days always mentioned about London, it has to be better than these balmy temperatures we have been having at home. Anyways, I am going to let each day fall as it may and make the best of this wonderful chance of a lifetime. I am going to learn so much and make so many memories over the next few months that it will be simply impossible to convey it all through this blog. However, I will be taking lots of photos and I will use many of those to encompass the true reality and beauty of this trip. I will be sure to post as many pictures as I can but as an ostensible procrastinator I cannot promise that I will get them up in a timely fashion.
See you in the spring!
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